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It helps the homeless people because they get money for things like, Somewhere to live, Health, Care and Food.

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2d ago

The Big Issue helps homeless individuals by providing them with job opportunities as magazine vendors, offering them a legitimate source of income. This empowers them to earn money and improve their financial situation. Additionally, The Big Issue offers support and resources to help vendors access housing, healthcare, and other essential services.

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Who can help the homeless?

I believe that both members of society and the homeless must work together to actually help the homeless. In the United States, especially, this must be a joint effort, as there are countless resources available. For example, there are homeless shelters, and different agencies and charities that cater specficially to the homeless. Members of society can help by donating not only money, even though monetary donations do make a big difference. There are more things that spread the message of helping those in situations direr than yours, such as volunteering and donating food. However, a homeless person in the United States has to actually take the initiative to go into a shelter. Also, it depends on how the person became homeless. For example, if it is the result of an illegal durg or alcohol addiction, then the person has to do more to help themselves overcome that addiction and get off of the streets. Globally, countries that are exremely impoverished do not have as many shelters available to them. Being homeless in the United States still means that you are richer than approximately 75% of the world's population. Because of this, for those that are impoverished and homeless internationally, people here in this capitalist superpower must do more to help protect the future of those born into a situation they had no control over.

Why dont homeless people have food?

Homeless people often times have no jobs, so it is very difficult for them to buy food. Or if they do have a job, they need the money for other things like bills. Many people have trouble buying enough food, even if they are not homeless. Poverty is a big problem, and it's always good to donate money, food, and even your services to local food shelters. =]

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