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Leaders can block people from getting information.

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Q: How does media serve the interests of the ruling class?
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Most interest groups serve the interests of the general public?

working class

What elements of society did Marx place in his superstructure?

In Marx's theory, the superstructure includes institutions such as government, law, religion, education, and media, which he believed serve to maintain and perpetuate the existing capitalist economic system. They are shaped by and serve to uphold the interests of the ruling class.

What is meant by imperialism of righteousness?

Imperialism is meant to serve the needs of a ruling class much more than a nation. It has nothing to do with democracy.

In Marxism who is the bourgeoisie?

The Bourgeoisie are the ruling class, they own all the means of production within a country. They control the state, religion and media to further their own goals and maintain the proletariat as the working clas to serve them.

How did Karl Marx define democracy?

Karl Marx viewed democracy as a tool used by the ruling capitalist class to maintain their power and serve their interests. He believed that true democracy can only be achieved through the liberation of the working class from capitalist exploitation, leading to a more equitable and just society. Marx saw democracy as a way to ensure that the working class had a voice and power in shaping society.

Who do interest groups most effectively serve?

. . . . their own narrowly focused interests and desires.

What is irrelevant media?

Irrelevant media refers to content that doesn't serve a purpose or contribute meaningfully to the topic being discussed. It can include off-topic information, sensationalized news, or content not aligned with the audience's interests or the main focus of the conversation.

What interests should school serve?

It depends on the students

Political parties are expected to serve the interests of what?

all voters

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Why do judges and justices in the national government are not elected and serve without a time limit?

As public servants, these people serve without having to cater to the whims of the voters or in respect of time limits. Therefore, it is thought they can serve with great independence of judgement. I mean they cannot be bought by outside interests and can serve only the interests of impartiality: justice be served!!!

By 494 BC ten were elected each year to serve in the Roman government?

You're thinking of the Tribunes, who were supposed to serve the interests of the people.