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Approximately 3-4% of babies are born in the breech position, where the baby's feet or bottom are positioned to come out first instead of the head.

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Q: How many babies are born breech?
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Related questions

How many babies present in a breech position?

Approximately 4% of babies are in what is called the "breech" position when labor begins

How were breech babies delivered before scientists discovered the C section?

Breech babies (babies born feet or bottom first) were and still are (in some areas) delivered vaginally. There are risks to delivering a breech baby vaginally though and so a C Section is usually recommended.

What happens if your baby doesn't flip before birth?

This is called "breech position." Breech position is when the baby's head is near the top of the uterus and the legs are near the cervix. Most breech babies are born by the way of c-section.

Do babies be born feet first?

Not always. Usually they are born head first but sometimes babies can come out the other way which means they can be born butt first. This is called the breech position. When a baby is born this way it can cause problems. If a breeech baby is born naturaly the butt will come out first and if the baby is born this way the baby's head could get stuck. So for most breech babies they are planned to be born by cearsarean section (c section). So for most babies it is better to be born head first instead of butt first.

When was Kathryn Breech born?

Kathryn Breech was born on February 26, 19??,.

When was Jim Breech born?

Jim Breech was born on April 11, 1956, in Sacramento, California, USA.

How many babies are born in a week?

266,000,0 babies are born in a week

What happens to many babies born to teenagers?

Many babies born to teenagers are more likely to be born prematurely, have low birth weight, and face health and developmental challenges. Teenage mothers may also struggle financially and emotionally to provide adequate care and support for their newborns.

How do doctors help with breech babies?

Either reach inside and turn them or more likely do a C section.

How many babies born in 1 second?

There are 1,987,645 babies born in 1 second!

How many babies were born on Ellis Island?

Around 355 babies were born on Ellis Island while it served as an immigration station between 1892 and 1954.

How many babies were born in placer county California?

In 2020, there were approximately 3,825 babies born in Placer County, California.