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Q: How many babies were born in May 161995?
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How many kids were born in May 2006?

1263666 babies were born in the U.S in 2006

How many kids were born May 2006?

1263666 babies were born in the U.S in 2006

What month are least babies born?

Usually babies are least born in the month of "MAY".

What happens to many babies born to teenagers?

Many babies born to teenagers are more likely to be born prematurely, have low birth weight, and face health and developmental challenges. Teenage mothers may also struggle financially and emotionally to provide adequate care and support for their newborns.

How many babies are born daily in Canada?

On average, about 1,000 babies are born daily in Canada. This number may vary day to day, but it gives an approximate estimate of daily births in the country.

How many babies are born in a hospital daily?

The number of babies born in a hospital daily can vary greatly depending on the hospital's location, size, and capacity. On average, a hospital may deliver anywhere from 1 to 20 babies per day.

How many babies were born in october 1983?

I don't have access to real-time data. You may be able to find this information from a government agency or statistical database that tracks births.

How many babies are born with out father?

There is no specific statistic on the number of babies born without a father, as it can vary widely depending on the country and region. In some cases, babies may be born to single mothers by choice, through assisted reproduction, or following the death or absence of a father. It's important to be sensitive to the diverse circumstances in which children are born.

How many babies born at Grady Hospital?

I don't have real-time data on the number of babies born at Grady Hospital. You may want to contact the hospital directly or access their published records for this information.

How many babies can a mother have?

20The mother may have up to 6 or 8 babies.

How many children are born every second?

On average, about 4.3 babies are born worldwide every second. This number may vary slightly depending on birth rates in different regions.

How many babies does the mother skunk have?

Skunks may have 1-10 babies.