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The amount of mentally retrated people in the US today is between 1.675 and 7.5 million people because of the varying types of retardation.

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4mo ago

It is difficult to provide an exact number as the prevalence of mental disabilities can vary depending on definitions and classifications used. However, the World Health Organization estimates that around 15% of the global population live with some form of mental or neurological disorder.

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13y ago

I would say 100 million..most people dont even know it

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Q: How many people are mentally disabled in the world?
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How many people are mentally disabled?

Just count your family :)

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It is estimated that there are approximately 12 million people with disabilities living in France, representing around 18% of the total population.

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In the 1930s, mentally disabled people faced significant stigma and were often institutionalized in large, overcrowded facilities. They were frequently subjected to neglect, abuse, and inhumane treatment. Many did not have access to appropriate medical care or support services.

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They can be born with disabilities or accidents can cause them to be paralyzed or even mentally retardation. Alcohol and many other drugs ( if you use them to the point of almost killing you) can leave you disabled.

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No. Children, many mentally disabled people, criminals, and other mentally insane people should not be allowed to have guns for fear of them hurting others or fear of having to kill them to prevent harm to others.

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About 750 million people have a disability

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As far as is known, GMOs do not cause mental disabilities, though they are thought to affect health in other ways.

Can you Taking karate on disability?

Yes there have been many experiment of teaching karate to both physically and mentally disabled people wich have produced good results.

Does Brazil have disabled people?

Yes, there are many disabled people there.