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Believe it or not, everyone uses curse words.

No, that is not true. There are plenty of people who do not. It is not known how many, no one has counted.

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Q: How many people use curse words?
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Related questions

Can you use curse words in a book?

You can use any words you want to use. Just remember that many people find curse words offensive, and you might limit your reading audience by doing this.

How may curse words are there?

There isn't an exact number of curse words, as it varies across cultures and languages. However, common curse words tend to fall into categories such as profanity, obscenities, and slurs, which are used to express strong feelings of anger, frustration, or disdain. The use of curse words is often considered inappropriate in formal settings.

What are some curse words that begin with the letter G?

It is against the rules of WikiAnswers website to use curse words.

Does Bella Thorne use curse words?

yes because she curse in the other movie

What can be considered a bad word?

Cuss words or curse words are considered to be bad words. Curse words vary from culture to culture and are also referred to as bad words. In most societies the use of curse words is frowned upon.

what type of curse words can u use as a kid?

No rude words

What is all the cruse words?

Curse words are just words. Ordinary words become curse words by the intent of the user and the context of their use. Ordinary words used to hurt or insult.

Does the band Crossfade ever use curse words?


What do you call a man who cheats on his wife?

Answer There are many words that you could use, none of which I am allowed to specify on here as we aren't supposed to use curse words. A POMPOUS FOOL!!!

Is the word suck a curse?

The word "suck" is not considered a curse word by most people, but it can be seen as rude or impolite in certain contexts. It's generally best to use more respectful and appropriate language in conversation.

Does optimus prime use curse words?

That would be funny if he does!

What are curse words?

Curse words, also known as profanity or obscenities, are words that society deems offensive or inappropriate due to their explicit or vulgar nature. These words are often used to express strong emotions or to insult others. The use of curse words can vary based on cultural norms and context.