About 2% to 3% of the population in the world is vegan. Since there are around 6.7 billion people in the world, this means there are approximately 168 million vegans. Considerably less than all types of vegetarians (includes vegans) who make up around 10% of the population. These numbers are only survey estimates so there could be more. The percentage is gradually increasing and one day they could make up the majority of the population. Climate change is encouraging many more people to adopt this diet. This is because it contributes far less of the greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, than diets with animal products in them. Awareness of animal rights issues is becoming more prevalent and turning multifarious people on to cruelty free products. The health giving properties of plant based foods such as fruits and vegetables are becoming better understood. Vegans live on average fifteen years longer than omnivores. Plus, if the population keeps on increasing, crops will need to be fed direct much more (not processed through animals) in order to try and feed everyone. In addition, alternatives to animal products such as meat analogues and dairy replacements regularly improve in taste. Naturally this is because manufacturers of such health foods want their products to sell as well as possible. All this points to the percentage of vegans increasing in the future. Even if they remain a minority, they will be a right minority
According to the Vegan Organization World News, these are the numbers:
2008: 0.5% of the population (6)
2006: 1.4% of the population (5)
2003: 1.8% of the population (4)
2000: 0.2% of the population (3)
2000: 0.9% of the population (2)
1997: 1.0% of the population (1)
The world population is 6.787 billion (2009) which would mean that there are approximately 407,200,000 vegans in the world. The most are in the US and England.
There are 195 countries in the world.
There are 195 countries in the world.
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today there are 6 billion people living in the world
meat bubbles=] x
Meat can cause food poisoning. Also vegetables and other foods which vegetarians tend to eat are healthier than meat.
Many Hindus are vegetarian as they think that taking someone's life whether it be human, an animal or even a bird is a great sin.
Because it's dead pig.
no they do not. ravens are vegeterians
I'm not sure, but I can tell you one thing, those 100 people certainly don't appear to be vegetarians.
Unfortunately probably more meat eaters.
ya they are so awesome no they eat meat. haha vegeterians
if your a vegetarian you live longer and can talk to animal if your a meat eater you die at the age 5o