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9h ago

Groups may exhibit predictable patterns of behavior based on factors such as social norms, group dynamics, and individual interactions. Sociologists often use theories and research methods to understand and predict group behavior, but there are also instances where groups may act unpredictably due to complex human dynamics and situational factors.

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Q: Is the behavior of groups predictable for sociologists?
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Why do sociologists focus on groups rather then individuals?

Sociologists focus on groups rather than individuals because studying how people interact within social groups helps to understand larger social structures and patterns. By examining group dynamics, sociologists can uncover societal norms, values, and power dynamics that influence behavior and shape society as a whole. Additionally, groups provide a context for understanding how individuals are influenced by and contribute to social processes.

What are all sociologists trying to do?

Sociologists study society and human behavior in order to understand social phenomena such as social structures, institutions, and inequalities. Their goal is to provide insight into how societies function, change over time, and impact individuals and groups. Through their research, sociologists aim to improve understanding of social issues and contribute to addressing them.

How sociologists approach the study of society?

Sociologists approach the study of society through systematic research, using methods such as surveys, interviews, and observations to understand patterns and trends in human behavior. They often examine social structures, institutions, and cultures to explore how they shape individuals and groups within society. Additionally, sociologists critically analyze social issues and inequalities to provide insights and recommendations for positive social change.

Which unit of analysis do most sociologists study?

The unit of analysis that most sociologists study are samples. Samples portray the characteristics of the larger population from which the samples are taken.Reference:Vissing, Y. (2011). Introduction to Sociology. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Sociologist study how people interact in?

Sociologists study how people interact in groups and societies to understand social behavior, institutions, and structures. Their research explores topics such as culture, social relationships, inequality, and social change to gain insights into human behavior in various social contexts.

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What career studies behavior of human groups?

Sociologists do that.

What the are major interests of sociologists?

Social groups,cultural influences, social behavior,social change, and behavior

What are the five major interests of sociologists?

Social groups,cultural influences, social behavior,social change, and behavior

What is a sentence using the word predictable?

His behavior is so predictable! That was a predictable response.

How does the work of a sociologist differ from that of a psychologist?

sociologists focus on the groups and social institutions people form psychologists study the human mind and human behavior

Who studies behavior of human gruops?


Why do many sociologists object to psychoanalysis as a valid explanation for human behavior?

Many sociologists object to psychoanalysis as a valid explanation for human behavior because it relies heavily on individual mental processes and unconscious thoughts, disregarding larger social structures and influences. They believe that psychoanalysis neglects the role of society in shaping human behavior and focuses too much on internal psychological dynamics rather than external factors. Additionally, psychoanalytic concepts are often difficult to test empirically, which goes against the empirical and scientific focus of sociology.

Why do sociologists focus on groups rather than on individuals?


What is a scientist who studies human behavior called?

Anthropologists, sociologists, psychologist.

Behavior generally is predictable - do you agree or disagree?


Why do sociologists generally object to the Freudian view of psychoanalytic theory?

Sociologists reject the view that inborn and subconscious motivations are the primary reasons for behavior.

Why do sociologists focus on group behavior rather than individual dehavior?
