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Q: Life on earth has changed which of the spheres the most?
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How do the earth spheres get energy?

It isn't clear what "spheres" you are talking about, but the Earth in general gets most of its energy from sunlight.

Where on the Earth is the sphere located?

There are lots of spheres all over the place. Most ball games, for example, involve spheres.

What spheres of the Earth is most directly affected by earthquakes and volcanoes?


What spheres of the earth is most directly affected by the melting of the ice caps?


What spheres of earth is most directly affected by the melting of the ice caps?


Which of the spheres of the earth is most directly affected by the destruction of the rain forest?

The answer is Lithosphere. Apex.

Which two spheres are most affected by a forest fire?

The spheres most affected by forest fires are the flammable spheres.

Give an example of how a change in one of the spheres of the earth system can affect one or more of the other spheres?

Four main spheres exist on earth which are the lithosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. In order for an entire sphere to be affected, a major earth event must occur. Most changes are localized or regional in nature. An example is a worldwide pollutant affecting the atmosphere and biosphere where air, birds and living organisms reside, thus resulting in depletion of these spheres.

The evolution of what biochemical processes changed the physical nature of the earth in such a way that most original life forms had to adapt radically or become extinct?


How do floods affect the spheres of the earth?

While floods are sometimes catastrophic, most will have little or no impact on the spherical nature of the earth. It would take a worldwide flood to have that kind of effect.

What has changed most of the mass extinctions on earth?

climate change

Which of earths spheres have the most mass?

The core of the Earth. This is because it is molten iron.