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functionalist perspective

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Q: Sociological perspective most likely to emphasize that we and they feelings promote in-group solidarity and a sense of belonging?
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Which sociological prespective emphasize that school in us foster competition through built in systems of rewards and punishments?

Conflict perspective

What concept refers to group leadership that emphasizes collective well-being?

The expressive group leader tends to emphasize the collective well being of the group. In contrast, the democratic group leader encourages decision making.

What are functionalist perspectives?

"Structural perspective" is an anti oppressive practice termStructural perspectives in social work emphasize that social problems are inherent in the ways in which our society is organized. Unlike traditional social work, which has often individualized both problems and interventions, structural social work focuses on social structures and the ways in which these maintain oppression and privilege. Structural social work recognizes that while radical social change (e.g. redistribution of wealth and resources) is needed, it is also essential to attend to the needs of those who are being marginalized, exploited and harmed in our society as it exists now. A structural social worker may work at a personal level (e.g. with individuals and families) as well as at a political level, but the work will be informed by an analysis of structural power and oppression.

Who benefits in conflict theory?

Conflict theories are perspectives in social theory that emphasize a particular groups' social, political or material inequality, or which otherwise detract from structural functionalism and political conservativism. Conflict theories draw attention to power differentials, such as class conflict, and generally contrast traditional or historically-dominant ideologies. Conflict theory is most commonly associated with the critical theory of Karl Marx, but as a reaction to positivism and functionalism may also be associated with the interpretive sociology of Max Weber, feminist theory, postcolonial theory, and a variety of other perspectives

Factors to social change in Pakistan?

Factors of Social Change in Pakistan1. Technological and Economic Changes: (Agriculture advancement, industrialization)2. Modernization: standardizing as towards modern tools (Life Style, Technology)3. Urbanization: Moving population from ruler areas to urban (Cities) areas.4. Bureaucratization: Extreme emphasize on rules and regulation, impersonality.Misuse of Power, (Despotism)5. Conflict and Competition: War: due to religion, ethnic tensions, competition for resources. Gender and Women's Movement: equal pay, property: Today; day care, occupational segregation.6. Political and Legal Power: Unstable political environment, negligence of rule of law.7. Ideology: Religious Belief, Political or Regional Conviction.8. Diffusion: Affect of Foreign Culture9. Acculturation: the process in which a minority is absorbed into the majority and entirely loses its distinctiveness.10. Education: Educational uplift is also main cause of social change11. Media: Media create awareness due to which people know their rights.

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Which sociological prespective emphasize that school in us foster competition through built in systems of rewards and punishments?

Conflict perspective

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When is the word comrades used?

The word "comrades" is used to refer to a group of people who share a common purpose, especially in a political or military context. It is often used to emphasize solidarity and unity among members of a group or organization.

What are examples of a rhetorical fragment?

Rhetorical fragments are incomplete sentences that are used in writing to persuade the reader, or to evoke some emotional response from the reader's perspective. They are sentence fragments used to emphasize a point.

Is emphasize a verb?

Emphasize is a verb

What is Emphasize in a sentence?

We should emphasize on our studies more. This is a sample sentence containing emphasize.

A sentence for emphasize?

We should emphasize on improving our verbals skills. This is a sentence containing emphasize.

What is the difference between psychodnamic and behavior perspective?

Psychodynamic perspective focus on our unconscious thoughts. Psychodynamic psychologist tend to focus on our inner lives such as our hidden motives and deeper most fantasies and dreams. Behavior perspective also known as behaviorist focus on observable behavior. They highly emphasize the role of environment in modeling of behavior and tend to reject introspection (careful self- examination of conscious thoughts).

How can I use emphasize in a sentence?

I should not have to emphasize further. Let me emphasize my most poignant points.