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Q: State Settlement with highest elevation in US?
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Where is the highest settlement in the US?

The tri-state area

What mountain in the US the highest elevation and what state is it in?

Mt.McKinley in Alaska

What US State has the highest elevation along the eastern coastline?

North Carolina

Which US state has the highest average elevation?

Colorado with a mean elevation of about 6,800 feet. Colorado has the highest mean altitude at 6,800 feet. Alaska has the highest point (Mount McKinley) at 20,320 feet above sea level.

What are 2 facts about Colorado?

It is the highest US State by average elevation. Pikes Peak is not the highest mountain in the State. Gold is still mined in Colorado.

What US State capital is the highest in elevation after Santa Fe NM?

Cheyenne, Wyoming followed by Denver, Colorado.

Where are the mountains with the highest elevation in the US?

The highest mountain is Mt McKinley in Alaska

Is the Appalachian mountain is the highest elevation in the US?

No, the Rockies are

In general which higher elevation Alaska or Florida?

Alaska who's highest point is Mt. McKinley, 20,320 feet and lowest point is sea level. Florida's Highest point is 345 feet and lowest point is sea level. alaskaThe US State of Alaska has an average elevation higher than the US State of Florida.

What was the highest tornado in the us?

The highest elevation tornado on record in the US was an F0 that hit Sequoia National Park on July 7, 2004. It was recorded at an elevation of 12,000 feet.

Where is the highest point of elevation in the US?

Mt. McKinley, in Alaska.

What is the highest elevation incorporated city in Us?

Leadville Colorado