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Q: The braceros worked primarily in agriculture?
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Related questions

What describes the braceros?

all of the above

Which best describes immigrants in the 1920s who were known as braceros?

They worked for low pay.

Which best describes immigrants on the 1920s who were known as braceros?

They worked for low pay

What best describes immigrants in the 1920 who were known as braceros?

they worked for low pay

Which best describes immigrants in the 1920's who were know as braceros?

they worked for low pay.

What best describes braceros?

All of the above-Many were farm workers invited from mexico by the US government-They worked for low wages-They faced housing discrimination

Is Australia commercial or subsistence agriculture?

Commercial, primarily.

The agriculture adjustment administration worked for agriculture recovery by?

urging farmers to reduce production

How did Nubian's make money?

They worked in agriculture

What were the Main difference between hunter gatherer societies and those based primarily on agriculture?

what were the main differences between hunter gather societies and those based primarily on agriculture

What were the main differences between hunter-gatherer societies and those based primarily on agriculture?

Hunter-gatherer societies were nomadic, relying on hunting and gathering for food, while agricultural societies settled in one place to cultivate crops and raise animals. Hunter-gatherers had a more egalitarian social structure compared to the hierarchical societies that developed with agriculture. Agriculture allowed for larger populations, more complex division of labor, and the accumulation of surplus resources.

Where did most people work in 1750 Britain?

The answer's probably meant to be "agriculture". Most worked in agriculture in 1700, but by 1750 it probably employed just under half. Most still worked in the countryside and in small towns, but many of those worked outside agriculture.