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Stable Growth

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Q: The population distribution for a country shows that each age structure is about the same size what type of population growth is this country experiencing?
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What is an age structure graph?

An age structure graph, also called a population pyramid, is a graphic description of the age and sex group distribution in a country's population. Please see the link for details.

To quickly see which country has the most people what type of distribution map would you use?

To quickly see which country has the most people, you should use a population distribution map.

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In terms of population, China. But in terms of population in terms of land distribution, its India

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To quickly identify the least populated country in a given region, you should use a population distribution map.

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optimum population is the population which allows equal distribution of goods and services among the people of a region or country by considering environmental and social values.

A country that has a stable population is characterized by an age structure that is?

About the same among all groups

What clues can an age structure graph provide about a country's population growth?

i dono now

To quickly identify the least populated country in a given region, you should use a population distribution map.?


What do age-structure diagrams graph?

Age-structure diagrams show the population of a country broken down by gender and age group.

What does ethnic makeup mean?

The ethnic structure of the population (in a continent, country, region, town, etc.)