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- food - clothes - languages (considering there is no official language for the U.S.) - music etc. food clothing and languages that didn't originate in that country or it was new to their country.

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4mo ago

Examples of cultural diffusion in America include the widespread popularity of sushi, tacos, and yoga, which have all become integrated into American mainstream culture. Additionally, the influence of hip-hop music and fashion, originally stemming from African American culture, has also spread and impacted various aspects of American society.

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10y ago

Cultural diffusion occurs as humans cross boundaries. With this movement, humans spread cultural images, languages, religions, and other beliefs.

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Q: What are some examples of cultural diffusion in America?
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What is the process where some of the ways of living of one group of people are spread to another group?

The process where some of the ways of living of one group of people are spread to another group is called cultural diffusion. This can happen through trade, migration, or cultural exchange, leading to the blending of different cultural practices and beliefs.

What are some examples of cultural specific syndromes?

Some examples of culture-specific syndromes include susto (Latin America), koro (Asia), and zar (North Africa/Middle East). These syndromes are believed to be influenced by cultural beliefs and practices and may present with unique symptoms and treatment approaches within specific cultural contexts.

What 2 words passing ideas from culture to culture?

Intermarriages and intercultural festivals are some of the ways that ideas travel from one culture to another.

What are some examples of cultural revitalization with the annishinaabeg culture?

Some examples of cultural revitalization within Anishinaabeg culture include promoting traditional language education, reviving storytelling and oral tradition practices, celebrating traditional ceremonies and festivals, and engaging in traditional arts and crafts practices. These actions help to preserve and pass on cultural knowledge and practices to future generations.

What are some examples for enviromental cultural hazards?

Examples of environmental cultural hazards include exposure to toxic chemicals from traditional agricultural practices, loss of cultural heritage due to climate change impacts on sacred sites, and disruption of traditional practices by environmental degradation leading to loss of traditional knowledge.

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There are tons!For example, the fortune cookie, it was not made in china, it was made in America, and French fries, they were made in America also

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enculturaion A+LS: cultural diffusion

What are examples of cultural diffusion in the US?

---- Latin/South Americans play a huge part in North American sports. You may not realize it, but about 10% of the people in the MLB, are from either the Dominican Republic, Cuba, or some where in South America

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The Spanish introduced horses to North America.

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An example of cultural diffusion in the Philippines is the Filipinos adopting some Spanish customs after Spain colonized the country.

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diffusion facilitated diffusion osmosis

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because there was so much people in India so some people left and took some of the cultural activities outside the country and that's how it caused India cultural diffusion

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