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The manifest function of a health club is to improve the physical well-being of those working out there. It is intended to be a place where people can come to work-out, run, swim, do yoga/palates, or simply enjoy the sauna or steam room. Other manifest functions include providing jobs for many people, making money for the owners, and providing a service, open to the public (in most cases). An open, stated function of some health clubs (YMCA) is to provide a safe environment for youth to gather for organized events intended for others their age, In this case, for children, socializing in an intended purpose if the health club. On the other hand, socialization for adults at the health club is more of a latent function. Other latent functions of a health club could be increased traffic congestion around its' location. However, traffic congestion can be viewed as a dysfunction rather than a function. More of a latent function would be a decrease in healthcare costs and the resulting increased profits for the insurance industry.

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how can do

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