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Q: What are weaknesses of the Interactionist Theory?
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What is interactionist theories?

Interactionist theory is less tangible than role theory, because it involves internal mental models as opposed to external social models. The symbolic interaction perspective is also known as symbolic interactionism, it is a major framework of sociological theory.

What is the interactionist theory?

Social interactionist theory attempts to explain the emphasis language development provides to the role of interaction between a developing child and a knowledged adult. Largely based on theories of Soviet psychologist Lev Vygotsky, Social Interactionist views of language development focuses on the process of socialization, rather than the cognitive approach of Jean Piaget or the information processing approach of Elizabeth Bates.

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symbolic interactionist

The weakness of speech act theory?

One weakness of speech act theory is that it can be overly simplified and may not capture the complexities of communication in all contexts. Additionally, it may not account for the cultural or social differences that can shape the interpretation of speech acts. Finally, some critics argue that speech act theory places too much emphasis on intentionality and not enough on the actual effects of communication.

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Describe the theory social contact theory?

Social contact theory posits that interactions between individuals from different social groups can help reduce prejudice, discrimination, and negative stereotypes. By engaging in positive social interactions, individuals can develop understanding, empathy, and mutual respect for one another, ultimately leading to improved intergroup relations. This theory highlights the importance of fostering opportunities for diverse groups to come together and interact in order to promote social harmony and reduce conflict.

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What are the Strengths and weaknesses of social control theory?

weaknesses: can not controll language, actions around certain people

What perspective says that babies are biologically equipped for using language but also need experience?

Interactionist *Apex*