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Silver belongs to the Group 11. This is a group of elements in the periodic table that consists of copper, silver, gold and roentgenium.

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Silver is in Group 11 and Period 5 of the Periodic Table. It belongs to the transition metals family.

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Q: What group or family is silver in?
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What do you call a group of people who are related?

A group of people who are related are known as a family.

A group within a family?

A nuclear family typically consists of parents and their children living together.

Is an example of a primary group?

An example of a primary group is the family. This group typically consists of intimate, long-term relationships based on emotions and personal connections. Members provide each other with emotional support, companionship, and a sense of belonging.

How do family and peer group socialization differ?

Family socialization refers to the process of learning and internalizing values, norms, and beliefs within one's family unit, while peer group socialization involves the influence of friends and peers on an individual's behavior, attitudes, and beliefs. Family socialization typically occurs from a young age and involves close and long-term relationships, whereas peer group socialization becomes more prominent during adolescence and involves influence from individuals of similar age and social status. Family socialization tends to focus on imparting foundational values and beliefs, while peer group socialization may lead to the adoption of trends, behaviors, and attitudes from the peer group.

What social group exist in all known cultures?

Family is a social group that exists in all known cultures. It serves as a fundamental unit for social organization, providing individuals with support, security, and a sense of belonging. Family structures and dynamics can vary widely across cultures, but the concept of family is universal.

Related questions

What group and family are silver in?

Silver is in the group 11 and family 11 of the periodic table.

What family does silver in?

copper family group 11 or IB

What family does silver belongs in?

copper family group 11 or IB

What family is silver in?

Period Number: 5 Group Number: 11.

This element is in the same family as silver and gold?

Copper is an element that is in the same family as gold and silver. All of these metals are in the same group on the periodic table. Because of their similarities in structure, these metals have similar properties

Silver belongs to the what family?

Silver (Ag) is a transition metal, found group (column) 1B on the periodic table.

What is copper's family name and family members?

Copper belongs to the family of transition metals and is in group 11 of the periodic table. Its family members include other transition metals such as gold (Au) and silver (Ag).

What are the members of the silver family in the Periodic Table?

In the Periodic Table of Elements, the family that contains silver is Group 11, previously called Group IB. It is sometimes informally called the coinage metals or the copper family. This group contains the following elements:coppersilvergoldroentgenium - a synthetic radioactive element first synthesized in 1994

A family group of gorillas is led by an adult male called a?

silverback. The silverback is typically the dominant male in the group and provides protection and leadership to the family.

Do gorillas live a solitary or do they live in small bands?

The gorilla (mountain and lowland) live in family bands with an alpha male (a silver-back as in the mountain gorilla) governing breeding rights over group females. It is the silver-back's duty to protect the family group.

Do gorillas live a solitary existence or do they live in small bands?

The gorilla (mountain and lowland) live in family bands with an alpha male (a silver-back as in the mountain gorilla) governing breeding rights over group females. It is the silver-back's duty to protect the family group.

Which two elements are in the same group or family?

According to Chemists, the elements of sodium and chlorine belong to the same atomic family as well as carbon and lead.