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Q: What is a socially defined position in a group or society characterized by certain expectations rights and duties?
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If a student has exceeded expectations in class and seems to be a great candidate for a certain position than a professor would be willing to refer them to a position in research. A professor can refer a few top students to a research position.

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Of how much its position changes in a certain time.Of how much its position changes in a certain time.Of how much its position changes in a certain time.Of how much its position changes in a certain time.

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These are called taboos.

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Audience expectations are what individuals anticipate or hope to experience from a certain form of media or content. Preferences refer to the specific likes or inclinations that an audience has towards certain types of content, genres, or topics. Understanding audience expectations and preferences is crucial for creating content that resonates with them.

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after a person complies with all the pillars of Islam, certain positive attributes will shine, and due to these colorful attributes he/she will be warmly accepted socially.

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Taiga is a certain type of forest. Taiga is characterized by Pinophyta division grouped in coniferous forests that mainly has spruces, pines and larches.

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Healthy ecosystems can also be characterized in economic, social, and humanhealth terms. Healthy ecosystems support a certain level of economic activity

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