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an opportunity for blacks and a disadvantage for whites today.

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Q: What is black privilege and white disadvantages?
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What is a black hipster?

a black person who discards their benefits of black privilege and acts like hip and fresh white person.

What does black privilege mean?

Well, a black girl is more likely to get hired at a job than a white girl, ex:BET needs a new staff on their company, the black girl will likely get hired because she is black the white girl might not. Black cops will arrest a white guy but not the black guy obviously. blacks have pride in their race, whites do not. If a black guy litters he gets a pass but if a white guy does he just gets arrested by a black cop or any cop who doesn't like white people. Black teachers gives their black students special privileges but not the white students. yes their is such thing as black privilege.

What is most likely taking place if a science lab at a predominantly white public school is better equipped than the one a nearby predominantly black public school?

whie privlage

What is white privilege in America?

it's a fallacy privilege and propoganda used to scare other races into thinking they will be opressed.

Is White House privacy a privilege to the president?

yes it is

Is their Black Privilege in My Wife and kids?

Yes, the show gives off the description of how the kyles, a privileged black american family living in the suburbs are living the life of privilege as a normal privileged black family.

Which is an example of white privilege?

A science lab at a predominantly white public school is better equipped than the one at a nearby predominantly black public school

If you have white privilege then why do you get treated like garbage from everyone in the domestic violence movement?

It may be that that your dated attitude (there is no "white privilege") has affected your understanding that there is no place ever for domestic violence.

What does 'psychological wage' mean?

where being white was thought to be a privilege

What are the disadvantages or white color notebook?

I think it has many colors. There are red, blue, black, yellow, orange, gray, and purple.

What are the disadvantages of double bar graphs?

you could get confused by both of them together even if they are in color or black and white. always look carefully!!;)

What special advantages and disadvantages do polar bears have?

Their white fur helps them to hide from other predatorsThey have 2 layers of skin, one black and one white, to keep the heat in