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Heart disease is the leading cause of death globally, responsible for millions of deaths each year. It is crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and managing stress to reduce the risk of heart disease.

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What is the largest species of dolphins?

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What is the largest member of the dolphin family?

The largest dolphin is the Orca, also known as "Killer Whale".

Which family is the killer whale from?

Killer whale's are from the Dolphin Family. Killer whale's are the largest member of the Dolphin Family.

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what is the largest dolphin species?

the orca or killer whale

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Yes many people mistake these mammals as whales because of their size where in fact they are actually a dolphin, the largest dolphin alive

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The whale that killed three people was not Shamu but Tilikum, the largest killer whale in captivity. He has killed two trainers and a park visitor.

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Believe it or not, the largest natural predator of a moose is the killer whale or orca.

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Killer Whales are actually dolphins. They are the largest member of the dolphin family.