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Sydney is more likely to be the most dangerous city in Australia because there can be a lot of crime there, avoid Kings Cross in Sydney. It's the most dangerous place in Sydney!

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Q: What is the most dangerous city in Australia?
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What are the most dangerous cities in Australia?

It depends on what is classified as "most dangerous" If "most dangerous" means the leading cause of death, then the most dangerous thing in Australia (according to the Australian Bureau of statistics) is heart disease, including angina, blocked arteries and heart attacks. If, however, the question refers to the most dangerous animal, it would be the irukandji jellyfish, which is found in marine waters from the central Queensland coast north. This jellyfish has venom which is 1000 times more potent than that of a tarantula, and 100 times more potent than a cobra's venom. Having said that, however, the box jellyfish (which frequents the same waters) kills faster. The chances of being stung by either of these creatures are very low.