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The unit of cycles per second is called Hertz

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The number of waves or cycles per second is called frequency, typically measured in Hertz (Hz).

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Q: What is the number of wave or cycles per second called?
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What is the number of cycles a wave passes a stationary point in one second called?

The number of cycles a wave passes a stationary point in one second is called the frequency of the wave. It is measured in Hertz (Hz), where 1 Hz is equivalent to one cycle per second.

What is the number of cycles of a wave that passes a stationary point in one second is called its?

The number of cycles of a wave that passes a stationary point in one second is called its frequency. It is typically measured in hertz (Hz), where one hertz represents one cycle per second.

What units are used to measure wave frequency?

Wave frequency is typically measured in hertz (Hz), which represents the number of cycles of a wave that occur in one second.

What is the number of wave crests that pass a place in one second called?

The number of wave crests that pass a place in one second is called the frequency of the wave. It is measured in hertz (Hz), where 1 Hz is equivalent to one wave crest passing a point in one second.

What is the number of complete waves or complete cycles of a wave?

The number of complete waves or cycles of a wave is determined by the number of times the wave reaches its peak and trough within a given period of time. It is typically measured in terms of frequency, which represents the number of cycles per second (Hertz).

What is the number of compressions or rarefactions that pass a point each second?

The number of compressions or rarefactions that pass a point each second is known as the frequency of the wave. It is measured in hertz (Hz) and corresponds to the number of complete wave cycles passing the point in one second.

How many times a wave repeats?

The number of times a wave repeats in a given period is called its frequency. It is measured in hertz (Hz), which represents the number of cycles per second.

What is the number of wave cycle in a unit of time called?

The number of wave cycles in a unit of time is called frequency. It is measured in Hertz (Hz), where 1 Hz means one cycle per second.

What is the number of cycles per second of a wave?

The number of cycles per second of a wave is typically referred to as its frequency and is measured in Hertz (Hz). A frequency of 1 Hz means one cycle per second.

How many wavelengths pass by you in one second?

The number of wavelengths that pass by you in one second is equal to the frequency of the wave. This is because frequency is the number of cycles of a wave that occur in one second. So, a wave with a frequency of 10 Hz would have 10 wavelengths pass by you in one second.

What the number of waves that pass the poster per second is called?

The number of waves that pass a point per second is called frequency. It is expressed in hertz (Hz) and represents how many wave cycles occur in one second.

What term refers to the number of waves passing a specific point in a given amount of time?

The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a fixed amount of time is known as the "frequency".=====is called the Frequency of the waves (located on page 10 of the Penn Foster - Sound Study Guide)=====The number of waves that pass a given point per second is measured in units of Hertz (Hz). Hertz is a unit for cycles per second.The number of cycles that a wave completes in 'S' seconds is 'S' times its 'frequency'.