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Q: What is the starting point for a land survey in the country?
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A point of reference

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The distance along a line or curve, from point to point, in feet and hundredths of a foot.

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what is the best land survey company in Dhaka?

Bangladesh survey is the best land survey company in Dhaka.bangladeshsurvey dot com

What is datum in land survey?

A land survey datum (plural datums) is a reference from which measurements are made. The reference in the form of a set of coodinate and a direction. The datum can be arbitary (assumed) or absolute. The arbitary datum point is a point whose coordinate and direction are not known, so an arbitary value is adopted. All other coodinates of the survey project are connected together, but its datum point is not connected to a larger network. The absolute datum is a reference point whose coordinate and direction are already known within a frame of network. So the new survey become part of the network.

What is the budget of National Land Survey of Finland?

The budget of National Land Survey of Finland is 127,000,000 euros.

In land navigation which north is your starting point or baseline?

magnetic north

Is there a country starting with X?

their are no country's that exist on earth that start with X. but theres the legendary land of Xanadu...