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Q: What percentage of Americans can do a pull up?
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What is the percentage of Americans that don't know how to do a proper push up?

about 3-5 Americans don't know how to

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Which group made up the largest percentage of California's population in 1840?

Native Americans

What percentage of people can do a one arm pull up?

Very few people can do a one arm pull-up. I've seen somewhere that about 1 person out of 10000 can do one.

What is the percent of Asian Americans?

The question is ambiguous, Are you interested in what percentage of Asians are Americans, or what percentage of Americans are of Asian origin?

What percentage of Americans put up outdoor Christmas lights?

It's hard to give an exact percentage of Americans who put up outdoor Christmas lights. On average, about 50% of Americans who celebrate Christmas put up outdoor lights and for those who don't put lights up outside, they usually put their near up inside near a window so people driving by can see their lights.

What percentage of Americans invest into capital markets?

The percentage of Americans that invest in capital markets is: 32%.

What percentage of us Americans are native Americans?

20 %

Who called for African Americans to pull themselves up by their own bootstrap?

The quote was said by Booker T. Washington. The actual quote stated that African-Americans needed to, "pull themselves up from their own bootstraps." The quote was spoken in response to a disagreement Washington was having about whether achieving equality was the burden of African-Americans or the government.

What percentage of Creeks makes up the Albanian population?

Creeks are native Americans, so zero made up Albanian population.