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Q: What percentage speaks Malagasy in Madagascar?
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What percent of people speak malagasy in madagascar?

About 72% of the population speaks Malagasy (all dialects).

Where is Malagasy spoken?

Malagasy is the national language of Madagascar.

What is Malagasy?

Malagasy is one of the languages on Madagascar.

What do you call the citizens of Madagascar?


What is another word for Madagascar franc?

The Madagascar franc or Malagasy franc was replaced by the Malagasy ariary in 2005.

What is the full name of Madagascar?

Madagascar is an island country in Indian Ocean. It was previously known as Malagasy Republic. The name was changed to Democratic Republic of Madagascar in 1975.

What Romance language is used in Madagascar?

The Romance language spoken in Madagascar is French, although a hefty portion of the population speaks Malagasy, and there's a small but growing number of English speakers.

How do you say we are in Madagascar in malagasy?

Antsika dia a Madagasikara anatin ny vahoaka Malagasy My suggestion: Q: How do you say "we are in Madagascar" in Malagasy? A: Its translation can be "Aty Madagasikara isika." or "Aty Madagasikara izahay.", it depending on who is/are the subject(s) "we": 1. We (speaker and the person to whom he/she speaks) are in Madagascar = Aty Madagasikara isika. 2. We (speaker or speaker and another person) are in Madagascar = Aty Madagasikara izahay. 1st "we: I and you" = isika 2nd "we: I and he/she/it/my friends/my family/my colleague etc. = izahay

What is the languange of Madagascar?

French and Malagasy are the main languages in Madagascar.

Does Madagascar use euros?

No. The currency in Madagascar is the Malagasy Ariary.

What are people from Madagascar called?

People from Madagascar are called "Malagasy".

What money do they use in Madagascar?

Madagascar's currency is Malagasy Ariary. It's exchange rate per USA dollar is ......