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The equity theory believes that unequal rewards can be perceived as fair as long as individuals believe that the distribution is based on their input (effort, skills) compared to others. This theory suggests that as long as the perceived ratio of inputs to outputs is equal between individuals, they will view the rewards as fair.

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Q: What theoretical perspective believes that unequal rewards are fair?
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Which theory of stratification views unequal social rewards as necessary for the stability of the system?

According to functionalist theory, unequal social rewards are necessary to encourage individuals to take on different roles in society based on their abilities and contributions. This helps ensure that essential tasks are carried out efficiently, promoting social stability.

What sociological perspective would view sports as a form of business in which profits are more important then the health and safety of athlete?

A conflict theory perspective would view sports as a business where profits take precedence over the well-being of athletes. This perspective would focus on the unequal power dynamics between athletes who may face risks for the sake of profit, and the owners and organizations who prioritize financial gain.

Which perspective asserts that poverty is the result of social or economic imbalances?

The structural perspective asserts that poverty is the result of social or economic imbalances rooted in factors like unequal distribution of resources, discrimination, and systemic barriers. It focuses on addressing larger societal structures and institutions to combat poverty.

The conflict perspective emphasizes on what?

The conflict perspective emphasizes the unequal distribution of power and resources in society, leading to social conflicts between different groups with competing interests. It views society as a system built on inequality and focuses on how this inequality drives social change through power struggles and resistance.

What sociological perspective would maintain that the laws of a society are created by the groups in power and help those groups maintain their superior status?


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Which theory of stratification views unequal social rewards as necessary for the stability of the system?

According to functionalist theory, unequal social rewards are necessary to encourage individuals to take on different roles in society based on their abilities and contributions. This helps ensure that essential tasks are carried out efficiently, promoting social stability.

What is the perspective most likely to see the brain drain as a symptom of the unequal distribution of world resources?

A global justice perspective is most likely to see brain drain as a symptom of the unequal distribution of world resources. This perspective focuses on issues of fairness and equity in the distribution of resources such as education and economic opportunities, and argues that brain drain exacerbates these inequalities by siphoning skilled workers from developing countries to wealthier ones.

What sociological perspective would view sports as a form of business in which profits are more important then the health and safety of athlete?

A conflict theory perspective would view sports as a business where profits take precedence over the well-being of athletes. This perspective would focus on the unequal power dynamics between athletes who may face risks for the sake of profit, and the owners and organizations who prioritize financial gain.

How do you use unequal in a sentence?

The two sums of money are unequal. They split the pie unequally. Unequal cake cutting can be devastating. Fernando did not try to make the cookies of unequal size.

Which perspective asserts that poverty is the result of social or economic imbalances?

The structural perspective asserts that poverty is the result of social or economic imbalances rooted in factors like unequal distribution of resources, discrimination, and systemic barriers. It focuses on addressing larger societal structures and institutions to combat poverty.

How do you put unequal in a sentence?

My hearing seems to be unequal.

What shape has unequal sides and unequal angels?

A Circle

The conflict perspective emphasizes on what?

The conflict perspective emphasizes the unequal distribution of power and resources in society, leading to social conflicts between different groups with competing interests. It views society as a system built on inequality and focuses on how this inequality drives social change through power struggles and resistance.

What sociological perspective would maintain that the laws of a society are created by the groups in power and help those groups maintain their superior status?


What sociological perspective does media play a role in?

Media plays a significant role in the conflict perspective within sociology, as it can perpetuate unequal power dynamics, social inequalities, and reinforce existing social conflicts. The way media portrays certain groups or issues can influence societal perceptions and amplify existing tensions in society.

A triangle with three unequal sides?

A scalene triangle.

A polygon with 4 unequal sides and unequal angles?
