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Social Darwinism was not used in the American Revolution because it didn't exist until about 100 years or more after the American Revolution.

Social Darwinism is the idea that conflict between human groups causes only the most fit societies to survive, while the others are destroyed, somewhat like natural selection only on the scale of human society.

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Q: What was social Darwinism and how was it used during the American Revolution?
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An example of social darwinism is when Spain was beating up on Cuba before the Spanish-American war.

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Spain or France (my aunt is a Social Studies teacher)

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What are the ideas of Darwinism and how do they relate to Social Darwinism?

it helps solve social, political, and ecumenical issues. :)

What year did Social Darwinism start?

Social Darwinism was popularized back in 1944. Social Darwinism tries to apply Darwinism of evolution to politics and sociology. It is most popularly used in the UK and United states.

Define freedom in the Gilded age via Social Darwinism and labor contract?

In the Gilded Age, freedom was often defined through Social Darwinism, which argued that individuals and businesses should compete in a laissez-faire market without government intervention. This idea emphasized individual liberty and limited government regulation. Labor contracts during this period tended to reflect this ideology, often favoring employers and placing the burden of risk and competition on the workers, leading to a lack of security and bargaining power for many laborers.

What were the effects of the American Revolution?

The American Revolution led to political, social, idealogical, and economic effects.

What were the social responsibilities of the Loyalists?

Loyalists or Tories are patriots. They were the ones who fought in the American Revolution, staying loyal to the British crown. Their social responsibility is to fight for the King during the first American Civil War.

Did The Progressive believe in Social Darwinism?

No, The Progressive did not believe in Social Darwinism. The magazine was founded on principles of social justice and equality, advocating for progressive social and political reforms.

How did robber barons justify their actions?

They said that they were providing jobs for the poor and that they were making the American economy grow.