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Q: Which continint has more people
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Evidence suggests that the art of metallurgy began around 4500 BCE in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt. These early civilizations developed techniques to extract and manipulate metals like copper and bronze for tools, weapons, and ornaments. This marked a significant advancement in human civilization by enabling the production of more durable and versatile goods.

At what era did the horse disappear from the American continint?

54,000 years ago or so. I think.

What continint is part of turkey?

Turkey straddles the Bosphorus Straits, which separate Asia from Europe. Therefore, parts of Turkey are in both.

What continint is Africa located in?

Africa is it's own continent. There are 54 countries located on the continent, and it is the second largest continent in the world.

Do you have more lesbian people in the world or more straight people?

There are more straight people in the world.

Does Texas have more gay people than California?

No. California has more people, therefore it has more gay people.