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Social-Conflict / Feminist Approach

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Q: Which theoretical approach focuses on the link between culture and social inequality?
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The theoretical approach that highlights the link between culture and social inequality is the?

social-conflict paradigm

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an theoretical analysis on culture of Philippines as a third world country

The functionalist approach says that?

The functionalist approach in sociology focuses on how different parts of society work together to maintain stability and harmony. It emphasizes the idea that each aspect of society serves a function that contributes to the overall well-being of the society as a whole. It views society as a system with interconnected parts that must function together to ensure its smooth operation.

Which sociological approach believes that perceptions about aging change with culture?

Symbolic-interaction approach

Which approach to conflict management would be most appropriate for a culture that values collectivism?

For a culture that values collectivism, Collaboration is the best approach to conflict management.

The culture-general approach to cross-cultural competence PME?

Learning about culture and how it operates

Different approaches to study intercultural communication?

Comparative approach: Comparing communication practices across different cultures to identify similarities and differences. Cultural immersion approach: Immersing oneself in a different culture to experience and understand their communication dynamics firsthand. Critical approach: Analyzing power dynamics, inequality, and social structures that influence intercultural communication. Discourse analysis approach: Examining the language and communication patterns within and across cultures to better understand how meaning is constructed.

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What does an emic approach focus on?

what people say about their own culture.

Which approach are sociologists using when they study a culture through its use of language as a way to communicate?

Symbolic-interaction approach

How do religion and culture construct gender inequality?

people to select religious beliefs and practices to suit their chosen identities

What sociological approach would investigate how culture forms patterns that can predict the behavior of an entire society?

Structural-functional approach