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Auguste Comte

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Q: Who coined the term sociology to describe a new way of looking at society?
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Did Karl Marx coin the term sociology?

No, Karl Marx did not coin the term sociology. The term "sociology" was actually coined by French philosopher Auguste Comte in the 19th century to describe the study of society and social behavior. Marx is known for his contributions to the field of sociology through his analysis of class struggle and capitalism.

Who invented the name sociology?

Auguste Comte (1798-1857) coined the term Sociology.

Who coined the term sociology in 1838?

Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès

What early sociologist coined the term sociology in 1838?

August Comte (he was French)

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The term "sociology" was first coined by the French philosopher Auguste Comte from socius, Latin for "social" or "being with others", and Greek logos meaning "the study of".Comte never conducted research in sociology but is considered by some to be the founder of sociology.

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"French philosopher August Comte coined the term, sociology, in 1839. He is generally considered the founder of this field. The first sociology course in the United States was taught at Yale University in 1876" (Essentials of Sociology, 7th Edition, D. Brinkerhoff, L. White, S. Ortega, & R. Weitz).

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Franklin D. Roosevelt first coined the term "United Nation" as a term to describe the Allied Countries..