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Q: Why indifferent attitude of society is the biggest problems to the country?
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What country has the biggest amount of flowers?

How are you? why do you have problems with my answers? :(

Philippines biggest problem?

The Philippines' biggest problem is attitude. ---> these problems started small and eventually accumulated and worsened by the day. All because one, two or more people decided not to act and remained indifferent to the issue at hand. These people were too short-sighted to see past the current situation or were simply too insensitive to care about the adverse effects of their negligence or indecisiveness to other people's general well-being and right as this country's citizen. And having felt neglected and uncared for, most citizens responded the same way to other people they've dealt with. They too became indifferent and assumed that they won't be as directly affected as others. This has become a vicious cycle, as never-ending as our struggle as a nation to rebuild our reputation and economy.

What problems does Haiti face today?

The biggest problem that the country of Haiti faces, today, is widespread poverty. The country of Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.

Is France the biggest Planet or the biggest country?

France is not a planet, it's a country, and it's also not the biggest country.

Worlds biggest country?

world biggest country is russia

What is the bigest country in Africa?

sodan is the biggest country in Africa

Is Russia the second biggest country in the world?

Russia is the biggest in area and the fourth largest in population. Russia is the biggest country in the world, and Canada is the second biggest country.

Is the biggest country in the world Russia?

Yes, Russia is the biggest country

Which is the 39th biggest country in the world?

The 39th biggest country is Zambia.

What is the biggest country in the world-?

Russia is the biggest country in the world by area.

What were the biggest problems getting Asia and Africa?

The biggest problem was that Asia and Africa were too big and they had many continents or counties in the one country. Also they had many and good rulers ruling the continents or counties.

Asia the biggest country in the wold?

Asia is the biggest continent in the world, it is not a country.