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when did ecourisim become important in Central America

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Q: When did ecotourism become an important industry in Central America?
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What service industry is especially prominent in Central America?

Tourism qualifies as such, and it is especially important in Mexico, Costa Rica and Panama.

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Central American cities are the smokestacks of industry.

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In Central America and the Caribbean, the relationship among climate, biodiversity, and tourism is intertwined. The unique biodiversity in these regions attracts tourists interested in ecotourism and nature-based experiences. However, climate change poses a threat to both biodiversity and tourism by impacting ecosystems, weather patterns, and natural attractions. Sustainable tourism practices are crucial to protect the environment and ensure the long-term viability of the tourism industry in these regions.

What were the two important crops in Central America?

Bananas and Sugar Cane.

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The anagram is Central America.

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Middle America refers to the central region of the United States.* As an area it implies an economy of mostly agricultural, mining, and heavy industry. * As a people it means 'average' or 'regular' people of traditional values and beliefs.Central America refers to the geographic central area of the continents North and South America. Central America is the narrower land bridge between the two continents, from Mexico in the north to Panama in the south.

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Because aviation is central to so many parts of air defence, travel and industry

The industry that most fundamentally shaped the sixteenth-century Spanish colonies in Central and South America was?

Despite the importance of sugar production in the Caribbean and of cattle ranching on the mexican mainland--which had a devasting effect on the fragile ecosystem of central america---it was MINING that shaped the spanish colonies of central and south america most fundamentally.

What factors of Central America are important to US policy?

Military bases and the Panama Canal are important to U.S. policy.

What are the two most important cash crops grown in Central America?

coffee and bananas..