Yes, because we have already the new curriculum..the Kto12 Curriculum that makes basic education sufficient enough so that everyone who graduate will become gainfully employed,self-reliant countryside leaders and productive individual equipped not only with the proper knowledge and but transformed as men of heart ready to face the challenge of the changing global issues.
we dont have this one poor people who want to be globally competitive in designing.. ouch
Ensure that their government and public officials are not corrupt.
yes...our school is a global community, the subjects offered are similar or the same with other countries. we learn what other student from different countries are learning which makes the educational system globally competitive.
helps the company to grow globally
helps the company to grow globally
helps the company to grow globally
tailoring industry is one of the competitive enterprises in the Philippines .
k to 12 is a new curriculum for Filipino skill,to be globally competitive!
A certain company would become globally competitive ifThey must have global competitive workers with diversified skills and expertise is certain regions to produce a global competitive products. It means they must have to hire international experts for their certain target markets. For example if their target markets are in Asia then they must hire Filipinos or Chinese or Indians who knows the culture, taste, and demands in Asia. Why Filipinos, Chinese or Indians? Because the 3 mentioned nationals are having the highest population in Asia and they would tend to be dominant in most markets. Their worker also must have a globally competitive tongue. If they will hire Koreans or Vietnamese then they must have to be sure that such people could be understood by the global customers.Their products or services are globally competitive. Meaning they have the ability and capability to compete their product or services globally with other global competitorsThey have access to the international markets to compete globallyThey have enough fund to boast investment or to cater the global demands of their products or servicesKnowledge and expertise the rules and regulations in competing globally.
Global competition means that there is more competition with companies that may have lower costs of production. In a globally competitive environment, you have to train employees to be more culturally sensitive.
There are many companies into he Philippines that belong to a monopolistic competitive market. These companies include Ayala, SM Prime Holdings and the San Miguel Corporation.
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