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Várias bandeiras nacionais incluem a cor branca, muitas vezes representando paz, unidade ou pureza. Alguns exemplos são:

Brasil: A bandeira possui branco em seu losango e faixas.

França: A bandeira tricolor com faixas verticais de azul, branco e vermelho.

Japão: Uma banda


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Sheilla Leandro

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Q: Flags containing white
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The flags (banderas) of the nations of the Caribbean, Central America and South below, with a blue patch in the top corner containing a white five-pointed star.

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White Flags of Winter Chimneys was created on 2008-12-09.

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The NFL penalty flags were never red. They were white. They changed the flags from white to yellow in 1965.

What are white flags used for?

to call a prostertuite

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Indonesia, Monaco, and Malta all have flags that are exactly half red and white.

In surf life saving what does a white and blue flag mean?

Before the yellow and red flags were introduced the flags used to be white and blue. Scuba diving flags are also blue and white. Red and white is a shark flag. I have been on patrol for over 10 years, we have never used a blue and white flag.

Is white water in Six Flags?

not necessarily. It is located next to six flags and you have to pay an additional fee to get in.

What color is in most flags?

They are red, white or blue.

What is the most common color in the flags of the world?
