The word 'fun' is both a noun and an adjective.
In the given sentence the word 'fun' can be said to be either a predicate nominative or a predicate adjective.
Predication is the act of proclaiming or preaching, like a sermon at a church or a speech at a political rally. It can also refer to the expression of a state, action, or quality, like in the predicate of a sentence. In the sentence "Julie ran across the street," the word "ran" is the predicate of the sentence, and expresses the action of running, as well as the state of being on the run.
The rally was really very exciting.
The political party organized a rally to show support for their candidate.
"Rally" can mean a formed group or (sports/ driving/whatever) race."There was a rally of soldiers at the bottom of the hill. The new rally was about to attack the castle.""There was a huge rally of laughter when the spoilt princess tripped and fell down. The village folk were rolling all over the place laughing!"
It should be --- Sixteen cars worth of people showed up for the rally.
I hope that tomorrow's rally will unify our partners on the fence.
please change thıs sentence to dırect speechFred insisted that he would be driving his own car in the rally.
RAC is an acronym for the Royal Automobile Club.
The community came together to rally around the local family in need after a devastating fire destroyed their home.
He tried to wheedle his way into getting a raise by flattering his boss.
The word is spelled candidates. A good example sentence using this word is, "The political candidates were going to Pennsylvania for a rally."