No, it is a common noun.
The noun 'cheer' is a common noun, a general word for a loud shout of happiness or approval; a general word for a feeling of happiness.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing. A proper noun for the common noun 'cheer' is the name of something specific, such as Cheer Laundry Detergent or Augusta Cheer Academy in Evans, GA.
Is cheer an abstract noun or a concrete noun??????
Cheer is a verb (the crowd cheered) and a noun (full of good cheer).
The noun for cheerful is "cheerfulness."
Cheer is a verb (the crowd cheered) and a noun (full of good cheer).
The noun 'basket' is used as a collective noun for a basket of plums and a basket of cheer.
The noun cheer leading is a common noun. The nouns cheerleader or cheerleaders are also common nouns unless they a specific group of cheerleaders. That's where your proper adjective comes in, for example Olympic Cheerleaders, the adjective Olympic makes cheerleaders a specific group of cheerleaders.
The opposite of cheer as a noun is gloom; of cheer meaning to raise the spirits, sadden; of cheer meaning to encourage a team, boo.
The most common cheerleading equipment can be stunt straps, knee bands, and cheer shoes, as well as a cheer uniform.
Common noun