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Q: What 2 colors are Garfiled's stripes?
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What two colors are Garfield's stripes?

His stripes are orange and black.

What do the stripes on the flag represent and why are there 2 colors of stripes?

they stand for the 13 colonies. Red=blood from wars to win independence White= peace

What colors are on your stripes?

Red and white

What colors are the stripes on the US flag?

They are red and white.

What do your flag's stripes represent?

It is not known what the colors symbolize.

On the TV show Blue's Clues Steve always wears a shirt with what 2 colors of stripes?

Light & Dark Green

Which are there more of on the American flag red or white colors?

There is more red stripes on the flag than there is white * White-6 stripes * red-7 stripes

What are the colors of an ant?

an ant is yellow with green and red stripes

What are the colors of a hyena?

Yellow, black (spots, stripes) and brown.

What are the colors of the US flag?

The colors are Red White and Blue. There are seven red stripes and six white stripes, and white stars on a field of blue.

What colour can you paint a room to mean fun?

rainbow stripes, or red, yellow, and blue stripes. Solid colors- yellow, orange, lime green, light colors like those

Why does a candycane have red stripes?

Candy canes have red stripes because they were originally designed to represent the blood of Jesus Christ. The red stripes are also believed to symbolize the stripes from the scourging Jesus received before his crucifixion. Moreover, these stripes help differentiate candy canes from regular peppermint sticks.