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i think a fragment

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Q: What a disappointment that play was what type of sentence?
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What kinda sentence is this what a disappointment that play was?

might be a fragment

What kinda sentence is what a disappointment that play was?

might be a fragment

How do you make a sentence of disappointment?

The disappointment I feel every day is exhausting.

How do you form a sentence using the word disappointment?

It was a disappointment I could not go to the movies today.

How can you use the word disappointment in a sentence?

The cancellation of the fair was a disappointment for the local residents. His disappointment at not making the team was obvious to his friends.

How to use word Disappointment in a sentence?

The disappointment at finding a troll, whilst looking for a serious answer, was startling. Another example: When my husband forgot my birthday, it was a big disappointment to me.

How could you use the word disappointment in a sentence?

Disappointment is the feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the non-fulfillment of one's hopes or expectations. e.g. Your failure is the reason for my disappointment

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Can you give me a sentence that has the words misunderstand and disappointment?

What type of sentence is you should not play with fire?

It is a declarative sentence.

How do you use scoreboard in a sentence?

He stamped on the scoreboard in frustration and disappointment.

How do you use dissapointment in a sentence?

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Glumly in a sentence?

She trudged glumly through the rain, feeling the weight of her disappointment.