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im a pro checkers player and instead of just three here are a few more then 3... 'the triangle.' a king jumps 3 in a row in a sort of triangle form. 'double jump, king me' you double jump as a regular piece and end at the others 'king me' point, turning to a king. 'checkmate, no hope.' defeat there pieces then only leave 2 alive and make sure there is no way they cant be killed or have there piece removed.'ultimate defense.' leave one space in the bottom row between every 2 pieces at the start of the game by moving them all until its like that. always pick red checkers. black loses makes 1rst move. that be your advantage.'your whole team' hardest checker move invented by me. took a lot of strategy and thinking. basically you get them to make a sort of zigzag without them knowing how youll get them so they wont mess your operation need one space in between each piece at most and least.hope i helped. gotta skateboard made some moves of my own.all but 2 of these i made up 4 the checkers. my skate move grind, kickflip, ollie, 360, dark side,popshuvit. i call it the untrackable try it and a little lesson be creative, have fun, and have goals no matter what. d ; see ya.

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