

Best Answer

Try Donkey Kong, Blanka, or Fury Ape

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Q: What is a good nickname for primeape?
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Related questions

What type is the Pokemon Primeape?

Primeape is a Fighting type.

What does primeape evolve to in heart gold?

Primeape does not evolve; it is the final evolution of Mankey.

When does mankey evolve into primeape in FireRed?

mankey evolves into a primeape on level 28

Does primeape evolve?


What is the national pokedex number for Primeape?

Primeape is #57 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fighting type Pokemon.

Is nan a good nickname for Hannah?

If you like 'Nan' as a nickname, then yes, it is a good nickname.

What level will primeape evolve?

Primeape doesn't evolve into another Pokemon. It's the final evolutionary form of Mankey.

What moves does a primeape learn?

Primeape can learn many moves such as final gambit, seismic toss, low kick, and scratch. Other moves Primeape can learn include swagger, fling, and close combat.

IS cornflake a good nickname?

A good nickname for what? Sounds a bit pansy

Is this a good line up for Pokemon Yellow pikachu charizad Blastoise Venusaur pigiot and primeape?

Yes it's good but it's still up to you to deside

What Pokemon evolves into primeape?


Which is better primeape or snorlax?
