

Best Answer

I think it mean to answer the sons of the god and other people in the world and war.

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Q: What is a plege?
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What type of government do you have to day?

ask your parents the will say democrocy but the plege of alligance i plege alligence to the flade of the united states of america and to the REPUBLIC for witch it stand

What do you show loyalty to when you say the plege of allgiance?

some do imorpment work

What is plege is allengence in spanish?

To pledge allegiance in Spanish is written as jurar lealtad.

Was is spangled in star-spangled banner?

you are honestly stupid if you don't know the answer to this

Can you teach your dewott water plege in Pokemon white 2?

yes, at Pokemon World Tournament, south of Driftveil City

What is walking dead about?

walking dead is about a plege that turns everyone who dies into zombies the survivers go through day to day life on how they live

Can teachers make you stand for the Plege of Allegence?

No they can not compel you to stand but you should out of respect for the flag and what it means to the people of the nation in wich you obviously reside.

What is the cage called that Robin Hood finds his father hanging in Robin Hood prince of thieves?

the decrate of the restraunt and the people who is poor should lisin to the plege and they have to prey it shoud not

Who made up the plege of alligiance?

The Pledge of Allegiance was written by Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister and socialist, in 1892. It was first published in a children's magazine called The Youth's Companion.

Where can one listen to the song 'I Pledge'?

The amount of websites to listen to this song are endless. However, YouTube is one of the most famous video sites on the internet. YouTube has the song "I Plege" in it's collection.

What does you plege allegiance to the flag mean?

Pledging allegiance to the flag is a symbolic expression of loyalty and devotion to one's country. It signifies a commitment to uphold the values and principles that the flag represents, such as unity, liberty, and justice for all.