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From Legally Blonde, demonstrated by Reese herself. Accidentally drop something, bend over to pick it up and snap back upright to get the attention of someone.

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Q: What is the bend and snap move?
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What is the famous move from legally blonde?

The Bend And Snap

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Elle taught the 'bend and snap' to Paulette (the hairdresser) in Legally Blonde the movie and musical.

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well i breathe deeply and then bend and SNAP

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only the frame most other places will bend or snap

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If your a girl .. then do the bend and snap and fiddle wiht your hair and if your a boy.... then ask her out for dinner or ask her on a date <3

If a timing belt snap on Mazda 323 does it bend the valves?

If the engine is a non-interference type then the answer is NO. See the list below:

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An adaptation of the lotus flower is that its stems underwater are flexible to move with the current of the water so that they will not snap.

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so you can move and bend it