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Some common nouns for Oklahoma would be whatever is applicable to your need, such as place, state, home, destination, etc.

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Q: What is the common nouns of the word Oklahoma?
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Are nouns and common nouns the same?

Yes, common nouns are nouns. A common noun is a word for any person, place, or thing. Examples:applebuffalochilddooreggfroggrandfatherhouseicejokekneelambmintnylononionpersonquestionrosestarturtleunderwearvacationwaterxylophoneyearzero

Is nouns a common noun?

Yes, the word nouns is a common noun, a general word for a type of word; the plural form of the word noun, a thing.

What are exanples of common nouns?

A common noun is a general word for a person, a place, or a thing.Some examples of common nouns are:person:actorauthordriverfriendmotherparentpatientpersonstudentteacherplace:beachcitycountrycountrysideharborislandjungleparkreservewestthing:birdcookiecucumberdiamondeducationflamekneelunchnoonstar

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A common noun is a general word for a person, a place, or a thing.Examples of common nouns are:applebabycountrydateeggfroggardenhopeislandjokekneelunchmotherneighboroceanpaperquestionratstartroubleunclevestwaterxenonyearzebra

Is the word spring summer winter fall nouns?

Yes, the word spring, summer, winter, and fall are nouns, singular, common, abstract nouns; a word for a season is a word for a thing.

Need a list of common nouns?

A common noun is a general word for a person, a place, or a thing.Examples of common nouns are:alphabetanimalappleaxbabybathtubbirdboychurchcitycollegecouragedangerdirtdogdoubteducationeggegoedgefanfoodfootfriendganggoosegradegrapehelpherohillholeiceinchintuitionislandjamjokejoyjunglekitchenkittenkneeknifelapleglightlovemanmothermountainmouseneighborniecenosenoteoceanomenoperaoperationpairparkpartpearqueenquestquestionquillrainranchreasonruinsistersoupstatesystemteateacherteamtroutumpireuncleunguenturgevacationvalleyvelvetvulturewaterwestwireworkxenonx-rayxylemxylophoneyamyearyeastyesterdayzealzebrazinczoologist

What is the difference between nouns and common nouns?

Common nouns are nouns.A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing.A common noun is a general word for a person, a place, or thing.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing.

What is a common noun for the word occupation?

The word 'occupation' is a common noun; others are 'job' or 'profession'. All are common nouns.

Is the word piles a common nouns?

Piles is a common noun. Proper nouns are the unique names of people, places, or things. Common nouns are the words for general things. If a common noun is part of a name, it becomes a proper noun. Pronouns always replace proper and common nouns.

Whats the common nouns of owls?

The word 'owls' (the plural form for owl) is a common, a word for any owls anywhere. Some other common nouns for owls are birds, predators, carnivores.

What are Nouns that are not capitalised called?

The common nouns are not capitalized unless they are the first word in a sentnece.The proper nouns are always capitalized.

What is a common noun you word?

Some common nouns that start with U are:udderuglinessukuleleulnaultimatumumbrellaunhappinessupperupstairsurchinurgencyutterance