Usually not, but with the right engineering and steel studs it is possible. You would have to get an OK from you local building code department.
Larger Than Life - House - was created on 2011-01-17.
attic basement bathroom garage
An English Country House is a house that is much larger than the average city house. There are several types of these houses including squire's houses, victorian houses, and power houses, all of which are built in different ways.
Yes, an A380 is significantly larger than an average house
If the basement is attached to the structure it is considered to be part of the structure, and no separate search warrant is needed.
A house built on solid rock is less likely to shake during an earthquake compared to a house built on sandy soil because the rock provides a more stable foundation. The energy from the earthquake is better absorbed by the rock, reducing the shaking effect on the house.
The safest place in a house other than a basement is an interior room or hallway on the first floor with no windows. Bathroom and especially a bathtub often provide good shelter
because the attic is at the top of the house where warm air rises and the asement is at the bottom where cool are falls!
Antelope are small deer- they are MUCH larger than a house cat.