Stalwart means well-founded, firm or strong. Thanks to our stalwart defense, the enemy was repulsed.The good Friar Tuck was alleged to have been a stalwart archer and swordsman.The term valiant could be also be defined as stalwart or brave.
The stalwart knight sheathed his precious blade in his ancient scabbard, adorned with gems.
Members of the army are all stalwart souls.
she was a stalwart protestant. she was a stalwart protestant.
Chester Alan Arthur was a Stalwart, or at least had Stalwart ties. He was made Garfield's running mate to please the Stalwart faction of the Republican party. After he supported civil service reform, the Stalwarts disowned him,
Jack Stalwart books are popular and have been made into audio books.
Stalwart - 2013 was released on: USA: 16 January 2013 (Holllywood, California)
Chester Arthur A+
Sapville's Stalwart Son - 1916 was released on: USA: 10 April 1916
Ian hislop