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Stop setting your stools on the counter and set them on the floor where they belong.

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Q: How do you keep metal bar stools from damaging granite countertops?
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Related questions

What are the pros and cons of granite countertops?

The best thing about granite countertops is that they dont burn / melt if you place a hot pan on them, they are easy to clean and do not hold onto bacteria. The worst thing about granite countertops is that they are very heavy and can crack if hit hard with a metal object such as a meatclever.

What is needed for cleaning granite countertops?

You can clean granite counter tops with a wet sponge and hot soapy water. You may also use any household dish washing or hand washing soap along with some paper towels. Avoid metal abrasives since they may scratch the granite counter top.

Is granite a metal?

No, granite is not a metal. Granite is neither a metal or a nonmetal, but is an igneous rock. Use the link below to the related question as to whether granite is a metal or nonmetal to learn a bit more.

What is origin of metal swivel bar stools?

Almost all Metal Swivel Bar Stools originate from the USA and Canada. They can be tall, and short, with Chrome metal frames and leather upholstery installed.

Where can you find Pepsi brand metal bar stools?

There are many retail places online to buy Pepsi brand metal bar stools for a good price, like

What are most padded bar stools made of?

Most padded bar stools are made out of wood or metal (or a combination) for aesthetic as well as structural purposes.

What should I pay attention to when buying a step stool?

There is a significant difference about the types of step stools and how they are made. Many step stools are made out of metal. These stools tend to last longer than the wooden ones.

Where do you buy the 30 inch industrial metal stools at Starbucks locations?

Those are Lyon All Welded steel stools - available on Amazon, Sears and online...

What are some good Eco friendly materials for kitchen countertops?

Some Eco friendly materials for kitchen countertops are Alkemi, Eleek Metal Tiles, Fireclay Tiles, Oceanside Glasstile, and EnviroGLAS.

Why don't we use an average granite as a source for useful metal?

Granite doesn't contain economically viable concentrations of metals like iron, copper, or aluminum. The extraction process would be too costly and inefficient compared to mining ores that are rich in these metals. Moreover, most of the metals found in granite are tightly bound within the rock's mineral structure and are difficult to extract.

Will metal bar stools scratch my wooden floor?

Since the bar stools might be frequently moved around on your wooden floors the it is likely that they could scratch up your floors. You can prevent this by get metal bar stools that have seats that swivel, to decrease the amount of movement around the floor, or you can get a foam pieces that stick under the legs of the stool to stop them from scratching it up. Reference Link:

What fabric is used for foot stools?

Wood or metal is best. Cake or marmalade tends to collapse and become soggy....