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Q: How much does a tailgating citation cost in the state of CA?
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It varies by state. Florida is 35$

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Generally speaking, a graffiti citation or ticket can cost about $50. 00. However, the citation fee will vary from state to state.

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How much does a 28 729.1 traffic citation cost in the state of Arizona?

$168.00 in east mesa justice court.

How much does tailgating ticket cost?

Fines are fixed by individual jurisdictions, so it is different in different states.

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How much does a traffic citation cost for failure to obey traffic signs in Virginia

How much does tailgating ticket cost in Nj?

it's going to be five points. so unfortunately, fairly high.

How much does a 28-855B traffic citation cost in the state of Arizona?

The fine for a 28-855B traffic citation in Arizona can vary depending on the court and circumstances of the violation. It is best to contact the court listed on the citation or visit their website for specific information on the fines associated with this citation.

How much does a Cessna Citation 3 cost?

For the Cessna Citation IIIRetail High: $4.3 millionRetail Low: $1.2 million

How much is a loitering citation in the state of ga?

119 in dekalb county

Im 19 years old you got a ticket citation for driving with a permit how much do it cost?

That'll be determined by the judge. If there is a mandatory fine, it's going to vary by state.

How much 22100.5 citation cost in California?

My daughter just got a ticket for $970.