Yes, it is extremely common.
Astro turf can cost between $1.50 and $2.00 a square foot, Depending on the quality of the turf. Thsat would be just for the turf its self, You still have to take in to considerration the prep work and installation of the astro turf.
You will need 234 square feet of turf to cover that area.
It's either sick or marking it's turf.
A blackhouse is a traditional house in some parts of Scotland, with drystone walls and a turf roof.
TEAL TURF i had some turf and it is stunning
Yes turf grows, as long as it is natural turf and not artificial turf.
Approx $200,000
To spread with turf
Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.Oil, turf, gas, and wood are popular.
Most turf suppliers will offer this service - but it is usually at an additional cost. I know that most in the Hawkesbury do such as Buffalo Turf Supplies or Sydney Lawn & Turf.