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Q: What does thermopolia mean?
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Did the Romans have takeaway?

Yes, the Romans had a form of takeaway food known as "thermopolia." These were small snack bars or street food stalls where people could buy ready-to-eat food and beverages. Customers could either eat their food on the spot or take it away with them.

Did Romans have packed lunches?

The Romans did not have pack lunches. Most Romans ate at the themopolium (plural thermopolia), which was a bakery. The word was Greek and meant "a place where (something) hot is sold" It sold ready to eat food and it has been considered the forerunners of restaurant and the food they served had been compared to today's fast food. It served the poor who did not have a private kitchen. It had a counter at the front with recesses for heat efficient containers. Many had dining areas at the back. However, most people eat their food on benches along the sidewalk. Most Romans lived on the upper floors of the insulae (apartment blocks four to seven floors high) which had small and overcrowded rooms with no running water, cooking facilities or toilets. People went there only to sleep and lived outdoors. They went to outdoors public toilets and to the public baths and eat outdoors. Bread and other grain based foods were all that the poor could afford. Therefore, the bakeries were the places where the food they ate was made and sold. The bakeries were extremely busy and, due to the masses of customers, people ate sitting on outdoors benches. The thermopolia were scorned by the upper classes who had a kitchen in their domus (detached house).

How long would a roman cook slave be in the kitchen?

It depended on what meals were prepared and where they were prepared. The rich had large dinners with many courses and often held dinner parties with a large number of guests. Preparing such meals must have taken hours. Cooks in the house of the rich (domus) did not just "slave" in the kitchen. They actually were slaves. The poor did not cook. They lived in the upper floors of apartment blocks (insulae, singular insula). They lived in overcrowded rooms with no running water, toilets of cooking facilities. They went there only to sleep. They went to outdoors public toilets and to the public baths. They ate at the thermopolia (singular thermopolium). the thermopolium which was the Roman equivalent of a takeout. The word was Greek and meant a place where (something) hot is sold. It sold ready to eat food and it has been considered the forerunner of restaurant (the Romans did not have restaurants). The food they served has been compared to today's fast food. It served the poor who did not have a private kitchen. It had a counter at the front with recesses for heat efficient containers where the food was kept (mainly grain-based food). Many had dining areas at the back. However, most people eat their food on benches along the sidewalk because of the large number of customers. The cooks at the thermopolia were paid professionals and worked many hours.

How do people sell food on the streets in Rome?

The diet of the masses of the poor was mainly bread, which they bought in the bakeries. Since most people lived in rooms without running water or cooking facilities, many people many people ate at the thermpolium (plural thermopolia) .The word was Greek and meant a place where (something) hot is sold. The food they served had been compared to today's fast food. It served the poor who did not have a private kitchen. It had a counter at the front with recesses for heat efficient containers. Many had dining areas at the back. However, most people eat their food on benches along the sidewalk.

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you mean what you mean

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Mean is the average.

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It mean what you don't what does it mean.

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The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.

What does the 12 Chinese zodiac animals meant?

The 12 Chinese zodiac animals represent distinct personality traits and characteristics that are tied to each animal. These animals are part of the Chinese lunar calendar, and each animal governs a specific year in a 12-year cycle. According to Chinese astrology, the year of birth influences a person’s personality and destiny. Each animal has unique attributes and symbolic meanings. Rat – Intelligent, adaptable, and quick-witted. Ox – Strong, reliable, and hardworking. Tiger – Courageous, confident, and energetic. Rabbit – Gentle, kind-hearted, and compassionate. Dragon – Powerful, ambitious, and charismatic. Snake – Wise, intuitive, and graceful. Horse – Energetic, independent, and adventurous. Goat – Peaceful, artistic, and gentle. Monkey – Clever, curious, and resourceful. Rooster – Honest, diligent, and confident. Dog – Loyal, friendly, and trustworthy. Pig – Generous, compassionate, and diligent. These animals are believed to influence a person’s fortune and path in life. Each year is associated with a different animal, and individuals born under a specific zodiac sign are thought to embody its qualities. To learn more about the Chinese zodiac and its influence, visit astro-favor. com

Do you say 'what does it mean' or 'what is it mean'?

The correct usage is "what DOES it mean"

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