The possessive spelling of "Welsh" is "Welsh's."
The possessive spelling of Gonzales's is Gonzales'.
The correct spelling of the possessive form of "people" is "people's."
The correct spelling of the possessive form of "scientist" is "scientist's."
the possessive plural of contralto is contraltos'.
The spelling its is itself the possessive. The word does not use an apostrophe.The spelling it's is a contraction for "it is" and should not be used as the possessive.
The spelling woman is singular, with the possessive woman's (of one woman).The spelling women is plural, with the possessive women's(of more than one woman).
The singular possessive form is story's.
The correct spelling of the possessive form of "women" is "women's."
It depends on whether you are forming a possessive or a plural.The spelling boy's is a singular possessive, e.g. one boy's book.The spelling boys is plural, as in several boys.The spelling boys' (ending apostrophe) is a plural possessive, as in the boys' bikes.
The correct spelling is "gentlemen's".